Driving to work today I was thinking about Wisconsin, things I like, things I don't, interesting facts. I decided I should make a list. These are things I’ve learned about Wisconsin and the people here in my 8 months of living here. From my own observations, my coworkers, and the people on the plant floor.
Some things reflect my opinions and others are just observations. Enjoy!
-5 am is rush hour (maybe not rush hour but there is a ton of cars on the road). Not like NM where you’re lucky to see 3-5 at that time and traffic doesn’t pick up until about 7:45
-Contrary to my belief… Kailee is not the only blonde haired blue eyed little girl… not like in NM.
-People make fun of you when if say “y’all” or “fixin to” but think it’s totally okay to say “bubbler” and “stop & go” in reference to a drinking fountain and a traffic light. Yea… I know.
-There is no real summer here, period.
-That 20 degrees can actually be “warm” when you’ve had nothing but 0 and negative degree days!
-No one travels to the Southwest or out west at all. “West of the Mississippi?? There is no reason for it.” Are you kidding me?
-Madison is way to liberal for me (and it also has horrible shopping)
-I apparently pronounce the Wisconsin wrong. For those of you who don’t know it’s “Wis” and I say “Wes”
-Sour Kraut is eaten by everyone on everything.
-Not only are there way too many cars on the road at 5am but people (5-10 every day) are out walking and running at this time. Weird.
-People don’t know what roping is…
-People up here are obsessed with their teams. The Packers, Brewers, and Badgers… and talk about them continuously.
-Wisconsin has weird names for cities… just a random sampling: Oconomowoc, Waukesha, Waunakee, Kenosha, Sheboygan, Wauwatosa. Sound them out and that is exactly how they are pronounced… keep it simple- O-Con-O-Moe-Wok
-Everyone goes out for Fish Fry every Friday
-It amazes me (though I don’t know why I’m so surprised) that some people have never been to a rodeo.
-Brats… they are staple here.
-Wisconsinites (yes, that’s what they are called and when I told them people from New Mexico are just called New Mexicans, they found it strange. Hmm?)
PS- People from Michigan are called Yoppers or Trolls (based on what part of the state they live in). Everyone from Michigan uses there hand as a map of the state.
-People think it's strange but "cute" that Reed as a roping dummy.
-Wisconsinites hate Flatlanders (i.e people from Illinois)
-They have a “fest” every weekend during the summer.
-There is a “bring your brat to work day” in Milwaukee. Not as in a spoiled brat, as in a sausage.
-My coworkers think that "starching jeans" is funny but cute, wtf.
People wonder why I miss Las Cruces...