Thursday, October 23, 2008

Everyone says it happens so fast

It seems to me that as you get older your life speeds up and you can't do anything about it. Put that in overdrive when you have a baby... lil chick will be 2 years old tomorrow! I offically have a toddler and not a baby anymore, how did that happen? I know how this sounds but it truely feels like yesterday that I was sitting at my sister's house (2 yrs ago today) waiting for my little girl to come... hoping her due date didn't pass with no sign of her. Hard to believe it was 2 years ago!
This year as gone by so fast and our lives have changed so much!!

*Side Note: I didn't intend for this blog to be about K and not that I think it will be exclusively but... I guess it is just something that happens when you have a kid!

I have become aware, thanks to Reed for pointing things out, that I'm one of "those moms"... I am the one who sings at the top of my lungs to songs she loves (examples: The Wiggles... is there anything better really?!? riiight) and dances around the house & car for her pure enjoyment. She loves it and I will do anything to see her laugh and smile. Yesterday after I picked KR up from daycare I became more aware of the fact that everything I do, really is for her. I've started to take a different longer route home just so we can pass 3 different farms with horses and cows so she can see and talk about them. I also know that between 3-3:10 everyday a train goes through town and we will be stuck behind it if we go a certain way, yet I do it anyway just so "we" can see it. She gets so excited!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Blue polyester & steel toes

Sitting in the lab a few minutes ago I was thinking about how exactly I got to a place in my life where I'm covering someone on a 3rd shift job (10pm-6am), wearing a polyester blue uniform and steel toe shoes. Who would have thought I'd EVER be working in a factory. Not that I'm a line operator and "technically" I don't make it... I work in the department that assures that everything that goes out the door is safe for pets to consume, no more of this recall stuff.

This company is wonderful... the people, the potentional to move up is endless, the pay, the travel, the benefits, the work-life balance, the stablity (I work for the biggest food company in the world, we aren't going anywhere!), everything.... but is this really my calling in life? I've always wanted to be a trainer or farm manager, how did I end up making cat food??? Weird!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Patches & Hay Rides

I think this season as to be the best season, don't get me wrong I like summer as well but there is just something about fall that does it for me. I love the crisp mornings and having to put on a sweatshirt. I love the colors, the smells, the food, everything!

I spent tonight with my husband and KR craving and painting pumpkins, making popcorn balls, eating pumpkin seeds, and just loving life.! Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch with Mamaw where we picked pumpkins, went through the corn maze, and on a hay ride! KR had a blast... me too and I took lots of cute pictures.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Driving to work today I was thinking about Wisconsin, things I like, things I don't, interesting facts. I decided I should make a list. These are things I’ve learned about Wisconsin and the people here in my 8 months of living here. From my own observations, my coworkers, and the people on the plant floor.

Some things reflect my opinions and others are just observations. Enjoy!

-5 am is rush hour (maybe not rush hour but there is a ton of cars on the road). Not like NM where you’re lucky to see 3-5 at that time and traffic doesn’t pick up until about 7:45
-Contrary to my belief… Kailee is not the only blonde haired blue eyed little girl… not like in NM.
-People make fun of you when if say “y’all” or “fixin to” but think it’s totally okay to say “bubbler” and “stop & go” in reference to a drinking fountain and a traffic light. Yea… I know.
-There is no real summer here, period.
-That 20 degrees can actually be “warm” when you’ve had nothing but 0 and negative degree days!
-No one travels to the Southwest or out west at all. “West of the Mississippi?? There is no reason for it.” Are you kidding me?
-Madison is way to liberal for me (and it also has horrible shopping)
-I apparently pronounce the Wisconsin wrong. For those of you who don’t know it’s “Wis” and I say “Wes”
-Sour Kraut is eaten by everyone on everything.
-Not only are there way too many cars on the road at 5am but people (5-10 every day) are out walking and running at this time. Weird.
-People don’t know what roping is…
-People up here are obsessed with their teams. The Packers, Brewers, and Badgers… and talk about them continuously.
-Wisconsin has weird names for cities… just a random sampling: Oconomowoc, Waukesha, Waunakee, Kenosha, Sheboygan, Wauwatosa. Sound them out and that is exactly how they are pronounced… keep it simple- O-Con-O-Moe-Wok
-Everyone goes out for Fish Fry every Friday
-It amazes me (though I don’t know why I’m so surprised) that some people have never been to a rodeo.
-Brats… they are staple here.
-Wisconsinites (yes, that’s what they are called and when I told them people from New Mexico are just called New Mexicans, they found it strange. Hmm?)
PS- People from Michigan are called Yoppers or Trolls (based on what part of the state they live in). Everyone from Michigan uses there hand as a map of the state.
-People think it's strange but "cute" that Reed as a roping dummy.
-Wisconsinites hate Flatlanders (i.e people from Illinois)
-They have a “fest” every weekend during the summer.
-There is a “bring your brat to work day” in Milwaukee. Not as in a spoiled brat, as in a sausage.
-My coworkers think that "starching jeans" is funny but cute, wtf.

People wonder why I miss Las Cruces...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm going to blog... I think

For some reason I feel the need to start blogging. I mean, why not? If other people have interesting things to say and I'm read them religiously then why shouldn't they read my ramblings!

I am not sure what this blog will become or if I will really get into it but it's worth a shot. Happy Blogging to me!