Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Better cover your mouth & wash your hands or else...

Swine flu will hit your house too!!

So, it's not a comfirmed case but little chick and I just got back from the doctor and the Doc thinks KRae has H1N1. :-( Her doctor said that she'd do the test if I wanted to but didn't think it was really that nessacary for a couple reasons. 1- the test it's self is only 10-60% accurate 2- No need to put K through it 3- have to submit to insurance (don't really care about but...)

Anyway, she said it really didn't matter if it's a confirmed case or not I do the same thing. Fluids, fluids, fluids, ice cream, popsicles, Ibuporfen, and rest.

This means K really shouldn't go back to the babysitter for the rest of the week... so daddy and I will be taking turns on who is taking off from work. I get today and tomorrow... Reed is taking off Thursday and Friday.

Poor little miss.

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