Monday, December 31, 2012


Well, my night is wrapping up. Yes, it's 10:30pm on NYE and I'm sitting on my couch writing this blog.  As soon as I hit the "publish" button it's off to bed for this lady!  I'm old and lame!  I will say though that I've stayed up later then everyone else in my family. :-) I haven't made any "public" resolutions in a couple years so I thought it was about time, right?

  • Numero Uno = Lose MORE weight. In 2012 I lost 33lbs, add back 7lbs (hello NM trip and holidays!)... so 26lbs.  Well, I want to lose 30 more pounds this year.    
  • Pray more... out loud... with my family.  Don't get me wrong, I pray.  I just NEED to do a better job of teaching my kids to pray and showing them my gratitude for all He does.

  • In 2012 we lost too many people.  In 2013 my goal is to let the ones I love know I love them, often. I've also been one to hold grudges (trust me on this one, I still "hate" a girl who screwed me
        over in high school). Well, I have been working on this one. I am truly trying to forgive and forget.
        Life is too short
  • I've always felt like, while I'm not perfect I've never admit that again , I have always been a fairly       organized person.  Well, that was until the past year or so... I feel like life has gotten the best of me and my world is chaotic.  In 2013 I'm going to get a hold of my life again!

  • I have two new "toys"  that I need to learn to shoot.  A new camera and a new gun.  I can shoot a gun and I can take pictures but in 2013 I want to be AWESOME at both of these things! Watch out!    BTW- I know a camera is not a toy, don't lecture me. ;-) 
Magnum Revolver and target Stock Photo - 4660529

Now, here are a few events I'm super pumped for in 2013:
    1. Traveling to LC in March for Traci's wedding!!! Cannot wait to celebrate the van der Ploeg's!!! 
    2. Reed and Tres' 30th... I know they aren't excited to turn 30 but I'm ready to party! 
    3. My niece if due May 15th! Hope a trip to TN is soon after this!
    4. KY trip with Tio and Outlaw (fingers crossed)
    5. Denver with the trainee girls in Sept- I have it on my calendar ladies... this is a must!
    6. Hopefully a Disney Cruise in December
    Besides those resolutions here is my biggest wish for 2013.  I pray that my family who have lost those dearest to them find comfort in 2013.  I hope they find comfort in the fact that while they are mourning for themselves on Earth... those that have left us are with our Maker! They are Home, for eternity, and waiting for us!! How wonderful is that?!?!


    Hope 2013 brings you health and happiness!

    Saturday, December 15, 2012

    No better way to spend my favorite month then in my favorite place…. New Mexico.

    I’m just behind “in life” as I like to call it.  I’m two months behind in posting about our wonderful family vacation but with all that has occurred in the past two months I’m not going to apologize for it!

    At the beginning of October we piled in the car  for the long haul to New Mexico.

    Well, Reed flew (jerk) and I drug my mom along to help with the drive and to help with the kids during the trip.  (She was a life saver!!! THANKS MOM!)  We drove to the booming metropolis of Stratford Texas where we spent the night with Liz.  She and I stayed up late chatting away and were told by K. Rae and my mom that we sounded like a bunch of high school girls at a sleep over. What can I say, I missed my Outlaw!!

    The next morning we all headed to Ruidoso, I hadn’t been there in YEARS and being in the mountains was so refreshing!  Thursday night I took the kids over to the Tuttle Cabin to see everyone and they had a b-day celebration for the October birthdays!

    the moment he saw the cake
    I got up Friday morning to go for a run but K decided she wanted to go with me so we just walked… I’m glad we did because within the first ½ mile we stumbled across 6 deer and by the end of our walk had counted 21.  So glad I had my phone to snap pictures.  We both agree this was more educational then school!

    Rehearsal & Rehearsal dinner were Friday night and we had a great time hanging out with the family & friends.

    The real fun begin after when we headed to a local Irish bar and met up with all of our old friends (plus new ones), we had a blast (I may have had more fun than most… and paid for it the next morning)

    Saturday we got a new sister! Woohoo!  The wedding was beautiful and I must say that the flower girl and ring bearer were the cutest I’ve EVER seen!!! ;-) I am so glad we were able to spend time with the family and have these wonderful memories that are still so fresh in our minds.  Not to mention beautiful pictures of everyone all dolled up! Now…. here come a “few” of my favorites.    

    Love this picture of PR with his Mammaw!
    peaking out at the action
    The Tuttle's 
    my cowboys
     We all danced the night away!! The kids had the best time being right in the middle of the action!

    makes my heart smile...
    one day we'll have another picture just like this but she'll be dancing on her own. 
    dancing with Aunt Liz

    Aunt Traci dancing with the kids

    candy bar

    Sunday morning we headed over to the cabin to let the kids play and say goodbye to the family, not realizing that those moments would soon be forever etched in my brain. I am so thankful we didn't rush to get on the road.

    After we left the cabin we headed down the mountain to Cruces... but we'll save those pictures for another post!

    Wednesday, October 3, 2012

    Go buy something... today!

    A lot of you already know my sister but for those that don't... you should! Let me tell you about her.  She's my sista, a self proclaimed  comedian (judge for yourself by reading her blog), a wife, a wonderful mother,  lover of Jesus, daughter, sarcastic, writer, she has a big heart,the ability to do anything/everything she wants, and how lucky am I that she's my best friend???    

    circa 2005
    That being said we'd fight like cats and dogs growing up, we're 18 months apart which meant according to HER that was too close.  Apparently, I was the annoying little sister who always tagged along.  I mean, who would have thought that having your little sis at every cheer practice in middle school wasn't allowed?!?!  I am or may not remember the cheers. And get this, in high school apparently I wasn't suppose to be friends with people (especially guys) she was.  Once she "went away" moved 3 miles up University Ave to college it was better... though again with the rules! Seniors in high school weren't suppose to be partying at the college parties... unless of course I went with her, where she always told people we were twins people are so gullible.  

    Well, despite all of our "tiffs" she's always had my back and I've ALWAYS had hers... we are each others biggest cheerleaders.  Which is why I'm asking you to help her out too... though I wish I could do it all.   Go to Be Free Revolution and pick something up TODAY!  Not only will you be helping out a great cause you'll be helping to fund my sister's mission trip to Africa!!!  So that she can help to spread the word, teach kids, and empower women!  How awesome is that?!?!  I am only slightly jealous of this life changing experience she is about to have.  

    Now, if you can't buy something today (Wednesday- October 3rd) but really want to help out, you can still donate!! See, look how easy this is for you! Again, go to her blog, she has a link.  

    I'll leave you with some pictures of my bff... just for fun!

    whatever it takes to get the shot

    just hanging around the Eiffel Tower 
    aren't we cute!

    Just to prove how weird we are:
    she has the "splotches"... 

    I have the "streaks"

    baby McKenna Rayne


    Sunday, March 25, 2012

    People think I'm a bitch...

    Lately (not sure what sparked it all) I've had several people remind me how upon first meeting they think I'm a royal B... don't get me wrong, this does not come as a shock to me! I've been told this since I was in high school and throughout my college years "Oh, when I first met you or the first time I saw you!" Then of course they learn the errors of their ways and realize I'm the most bad ass person they've ever met. (Okay, so maybe that's a stretch but still, they were wrong) Even my husband thought that.

    Speaking of which, let me tell you about about what my oh so loving husband & bro-in-law used to call me. I will try to keep it short but you know me...

    So, about a week before I officially met the hubby, my friend and I were eating at this local Cruces establishment (Dick's cafe-which is the most amazing greasy food ever). We noticed a table full of guys kept looking over at us and chatting amongst themselves... I recognized them from the Ag college but didn't know any of them. We blew it off and went on eating our calorie laden heart attacks on a plate (did I mention I miss the food in NM???).

    Fast forward about a week to a quiet Saturday night I was studying, since that is what I did most weekends okay, so I'm a liar too , until the opportunity came about to party in the desert... I mean, you can't turn down "Two-Mile". Anyway, LONG I'll share if it you really want, because I LOVE to talk story short I met Reed there (thanks to bestie!!!) and we started dating. Not too long after we started hanging out I realized Reed was one of the guys at that table and asked him to explain what they were talking about. Of course I already knew the answer... they just were taken aback by Manda & mine beauty.... but I thought I'd humor him and let him tell me. His response wasn't exactly what I had in mind.

    "Well, Tres was telling all of us what a big bitch you were". Nice, right?!?!?!? As it turns out, I guess I did "know" one of them and one night at Stomper (oh college, I miss you!) I danced with him and allegedly "refused to talk to him" during the dance, this I do not remember but it may or may not sound like me... but apparently since that day Reed & Tres would refer to me as the "bitch who drives the silver Ford". A very loving name if I do say so myself.

    That is just one example of people thinking I may not be the most friendly person (but that one turned out okay.) It used to bug me but as I've gotten older and more stuck in my ways wiser, I have learned to accept it and own it.

    My attitude got me in a little always flipping grounded bit of trouble when I was younger. My parents taught me to have my own voice (though I'm pretty sure they wanted to beat it out of me somedays), to be strong and not take crap from anyone. I didn't fall to some notice I didn't say ALL or ANY of the peer pressure out there, if I did something it was because I wanted to.

    With all that being said I don't care what most people think of me, if you are going to judge me or talk about me I do not need you in my life, if you hurt my friends or family- we're done, I hold grudges that despite my efforts I cannot get rid of, I'm out spoken and stubborn.

    I know that I may come off as harsh or "unfriendly" honestly I'm everything but... I love people, I'm loyal, I'm an open book with a big heart, just want to have a good time, and love making new friends.

    I am me and nothing you say will change that, don't try to.

    Tuesday, January 31, 2012

    Tomorrow, my little boy will be ONE

    I remember exactly what I was doing a year ago... being the over-achiever, dedicated, NPPC employee I am... I went to work (in a snow storm) the day I was going to be induced. I'm pretty awesome, if I do say so myself! ;-) It was a 1/2 day but still! I went mostly because I would've been a wreck sitting around the house all day. It was kind of funny because all of my fellow co-workers a bunch of guys really thought I was going to delivery at any minute. Anyway, I digress!

    I had a moment of panic prior to PR coming, the panic wasn't for myself or Reed, but for K.Rae Her only child world was going to be flipped upside down and I was freaking out about it! should have thought about that 39 weeks sooner! I got over it though when remembered that lots of people have younger siblings and they turn out just fine. I mean, look at MY sister.... I can't imagine what her life would be like without her baby sis in it! Actually, I can... she probably would have gotten her ass beat up, I protected her, damn... she owes me.

    Back to P... the weather was awful, snow storm, blizzard conditions, we were suppose to be checked in at 10:00pm, it was a 20 minute drive from our house so we left 2 hours early. Naturally, right? Well, it's a good thing we did because we were only early by about 20 minutes. See, told you the weather sucked.

    Upon arrival the nurses made us wait forever took us right to the room to get settled in for a relaxing night of sleep, after they tried to kill me with the IV's & monitors. I was given the pitocin and was quickly reminded how bad all of this was going to suck. Not because contractions started, because I thought I was going to get sick just because of the IV. I'm a big pansey pretty tough.

    Needless to say, the IV didn't kill me, I was actually able to get a pretty good night's sleep (though I can't say the same for Reed who slept on a pull out couch). Contractions started at 6AM ish and shortly after there was painful contractions, cussing, and then a GIANT NEEDLE they stuck in my back, which shortly after I and probably more so Reed thanked heavens for. Despite the painful needles and the few cuss words, it was fairly quick and easy.

    PR was born at 12:41pm weighing... 9lbs 9 oz... yes, I delivered a toddler and today he is 30lbs! I know everyone always says this but the past year has gone by so fast! I can't believe when I look at him that he's already a year. Here is a run down of different stages, cause you all care right?? ;-)
    • 11 weeks- Rolled over for the first time
    • 5 months- Got up on his knees to attempt to crawl
      - Did the worm instead.... it was amazing
    • 6 months- Crawling... everywhere!
    • 8 months- stood by himself
    • 9 months- started walking one day
      - started running the next week
    • Somewhere in between 7-9 months he started saying Mama & Dada... but I'm a slacker and didn't write it down, whoops. #secondchild #parentingfail
    • 11 months- started saying "Hissss" which is P speak for "Horse"

    All joking aside he is amazing and we have been Blessed! Love him and couldn't imagine life without my baby Bronco.

    Happy Birthday, baby Bronco.!!!!

    On a side note, it kinda only just a little rocked K's world but she loves her little brother most days.