Sunday, October 31, 2010

Home for a pit stop...

or so it feels since I was gone last week and leave again Thursday! I spent all week last week in St. Louis for work. Which, despite the fact that I worked for 11 hours on my birthday and actually had to wear heels it was a lot of fun! I got to see all the people I was a trainee with in Jefferson, along with others from our "trainee class" that I haven't seen in ages! We had a good time.

My fellow trainees from Jefferson

Dessert & milk at the bar! Oh the life of a preggo lady

having a ball in the hamster wheel at STL City Museum

in the cave at City Museum

Preggo Update

DATE: October 31, 20100 Happy Halloween!
How far along: 26 weeks tomorrow
Total Weight Gained: 15 pounds.....ugh!
Maternity Clothes: I have two pair of Cruel Girls that I can still wear... and am holding on as long as possible. But.... everything is maternity.
Sleep: Waking up about 4am these days....
Best Moment of the Week: Coming home Friday to snuggles from K
Movement: yup
Prep: We've decided on a theme, well we've always known it'd be cowboy but now we are going vintage cowboy. Should be really cute!! I've been searching the internet for the perfect fabric for his bedding!
Food Craving: This week I've been on a dessert kick... which is NOT a good thing. Apparently, I need to be on a lean red meat kick because my doc told me Monday that my iron is a little low.
Food Aversions: None- I actually tried different foods this week in St. Louis. I was pretty proud of myself. haha
Morning Sickness: none
Gender: BOY!
Symptoms: my back hurts... what's new??
What I miss: buttons on my jeans
What I'm looking forward to: Trick or Treating tonight and New Mexico on Thusday

25.5 weeks

1 comment:

Kristin said...

You look GREAT!!! :-)

Glad you had fun on your trip!